North Texas Canvas Users Group, ESC 11 – April 2020
This presentation was made a little over a month after schools shut down for the COVID-19 pandemic. A face to face session had to be quickly moved to a remote session. As everyone was learning the best ways to host digital conferences at the time there were regularly technical difficulties that arose, just like during my presentation. As a result, I recorded the video below to help Administrators and Instructional Coaches find ways to help their Teachers to utilize Canvas as a learning management system.
We create a template for our Canvas courses that allows all classes to have a similar layout and appearance. This way students always know where to go to find assignments, announcements, discussions, and more. This also helps parents who can have access to Canvas and know how to navigate their child’s courses. Our entire community has responded very positively to the use of these templates in our digital and face to face instructional models.
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