More time to coach little league games, more nights sleeping outside, more time with the people I love. Since August of 2019 I’ve been participating in the Instructional Systems Design and Technology doctoral program at Sam Houston State University. For seven semesters I have focused on research-based tactics to help integrate technology into educational systems […]
Nothing Matters Until You Meet Nana
As the seasons of life continue to change, the day will undoubtedly come where we lose those closest to us. Even the ones that taught us more than we will ever know, the ones that we have always looked to for guidance, and the ones that we strive to emulate. We hope that one day […]
The Life and Times of J.C. Faulkner and Alma Rutherford-Faulkner
The following was written by Alma Faulkner on May 1, 1997. I transcribed it exactly as she had written it, capitalization, punctuation, and all (despite my frustrations that my Grandma does not use the Oxford comma). This just scratches the surface of the amazing life she and my Grandpa had together, and gives you an […]